
News 18 February 2022 Scientists against COVID-19

Our scientist will present the results of their research during the university seminar as part of the the Excellence Initiative – Research University Programme.

News 3 February 2022 The monograph edited by CEZAMAT collaborators

“Chemical sensors and biosensors” is the title of a Polish monograph edited by Prof. Zbigniew Brzózka, Prof. Elżbieta Malinowska and Prof. Wojciech Wróblewski.

News 20 January 2022 Secrets of honey from our apiary

A few months ago, an apiary was set up in the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology (CEZAMAT). We obtained the first batch of Rector’s Honey thanks to the work of bees and a beekeeper who looks after the apiary.

News 11 January 2022 Project by Monika Staniszewska, Associate Professor at Warsaw University of Technology, is eligible for funding under BioTechMed_LAB-1

The aim of the BioTechMed_LAB-1 competition was to strengthen the apparatus base, enabling the performance of breakthrough research in the field of “Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering” and related issues.

News 4 January 2022 Research as part of a doctorate at CEZAMAT

Are you looking for laboratory to cunduct your research? Join us and carry out your research at CEZAMAT.

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