ERA FABRIC – first focus group meeting

26 June 2023

We invite representatives of the Mazovian innovation ecosystem to register for the first focus group meeting within the ERA FABRIC project funded by Horizon Europe.

We are pleased to invite representatives of the Mazovian innovation ecosystem to participate in the activities of the project “Framing And Bridging Regional research and innovation ecosystems Capacities for a renewed ERA” (ERA FABRIC).

The main objective of the ERA FABRIC project is to find ways for better collaboration of stakeholders within and between regions, to identify their needs and models and, based on the results of the analysis, to create a set of recommendations for decision makers.

The thematic areas of the ERA FABRIC project are: closed-loop bioeconomy, renewable energy and sustainable production. The results of the project will be extremely useful in the development of the European Research Area, which in the future will develop products and services that meet the needs of European societies. This will happen through better cooperation between science, business, public administration and society.

The first focus group meeting will be held on 27 July at 10.00 a.m. in a hybrid format in the Laboratories of the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT of the Warsaw University of Technology (Poleczki 19 Street, Warsaw) and online. The meeting will last approximately 2 hours.

If you would like to participate in this event, please confirm your participation by 21 July using the MS Forms registration form. Once your registration is confirmed, we will send you further information on the details of the event.

ERA FABRIC is a project implemented by the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with 10 partners: ART-ER (leader), EURECAT, ECOPLUS, INESCTEC, CNR, TTP, NTNU, UNIST, MU, ADRNV, representing a total of 8 Member States and one Associated State. The project is funded by Horizon Europe under a contract with the European Research Executive Agency.

For information about the event please contact:
Krzysztof Mieszkowski
ERA FABRIC project coordinator at the Warsaw University of Technology


More information about the project:

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